Grails truncate taglib

Ran into this taglib created by Adam Creeger which lets you truncate strings in your grails views. It was exactly what i was looking for except for the missing possibility of also clicking it to extend and show the full text. Here is my updated version for achieving this.

class TruncateTagLib {
private static final String ELLIPSIS = '...'
  def truncate = { attrs, body ->
    def maxLength = attrs.maxlength
    if (maxLength == null || !maxLength.isInteger() || maxLength.toInteger() <= 0) {
      throw new Exception("The attribute 'maxlength' must an integer greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength")
    } else {
      maxLength = maxLength.toInteger()
    if (maxLength <= ELLIPSIS.size()) {
      throw new Exception("The attribute 'maxlength' must be greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength")
    if (body().length() > maxLength) {
        out << /<abbr id="$" title="${body().encodeAsHTML()}" class="ellipsis"
                onclick="javascript:if($('#$').hasClass('ellipsis')) {
                    $('#$').html('${body()}'); $('#$').removeClass('ellipsis')
                } else {
                    $('#$').html('${body()[0..maxLength - (ELLIPSIS.size() + 1)].encodeAsHTML()}$ELLIPSIS');
                    $('#$').addClass('ellipsis') }">
            ${body()[0..maxLength - (ELLIPSIS.size() + 1)].encodeAsHTML()}$ELLIPSIS<\/abbr>/
    } else {
      out << body().encodeAsHTML()

and in your view gsp simply use it as:

<g:truncate id="abbr_${it?.id}" maxlength="50">${it?.text}</g:truncate>

where it?.id is a unique identifier

Written on April 2, 2014