Grails asynchronous view loading with remoteFunction
This is in no way anything new, i just wanted to share an example of a really nice approach (imo) on how you can load some operation heavy rendering asynchronously using the grails remoteFunction. Assuiming that you have a database with a large dataset that you want to aggregate and render in some fashion on a gsp page , but you do not want to stall the pageload opon navigation.
In our gsp we could add something similiar to this..
<span class="data-loading-spinner"><r:img uri="/images/spinner.gif"/></span>
<div id="table_data"></div>
Opon pageload we will se a loading spinner waiting to be replaced with the actuall data… Since we want to load the table data when the page has fully loaded, we do this by issuing a remote call opon document.ready
$(document).ready(function() {
The remoteFunction will show the data-loading-spinner during the issuing call, and add hidden to it as soon as it returns onComplete.
So what happens in the controller?
def render_table_data() {
//here we do whatever to gather our data.. whether it is calling a service doing some queries to the database...
//when finished, create a model object and render it using a separate template.
def model = [table_data:table_data]
render template:"table_data_template", model:model
table_data_template here is a separate gsp file that is in the same context as our home view.
<g:each in="${table_data}">